Worrying about losing your identity when you become a citizen is a valid fear. But it’s unfounded. Let’s look at how citizenship impacts on who you are.
Who can certify copies of my documents?
You should never submit original documents as evidence to support your visa application, unless you’re told to do so. All of your copies must be certified – but by whom?
Hospitality in Australia: A guide for visa-holders and employers
Working in hospitality is a great way to earn money if you’re in Australia on a visa. Find out what you need to do to get a job, or employ a visa holder.
How is working in Australia different?
In this article we tell you the top things to be aware of as an employee, about how working in Australia is culturally different.
When can I get my Australian driver's license?
One of the most commonly asked migration questions is, when can I get my driver’s license? Read this article to find out.
China – Australia Free Trade Agreement
Australia now has a Free Trade Agreement with China. We look at what this means and what it allows.
The Average Australian is a Woman
Did you know that the average Australian is a tertiary-educated woman? Read on.
Multiculturalism is a Good Thing: Australia's Vibrant Cities
Multiculturalism is great for Australia: it’s what creates its beautiful, vibrant cities. Here is how you can get your fill over the summer.
Express your individuality: Travel where your heart takes you
Like to travel? Here are some Australian places you might not have visited.
5 Top Tips for Good Holidays: Help sponsored employees travel safely
Encourage your sponsored employees to travel & explore our beautiful country. Here are 5 tips to help.