What is the Global Talent Independent Program ?

Australia’s got talent … but it wants more!

The Australian Government is committed to ensure that businesses in Australia have access to the best and brightest talent to help grow a stronger economy. As part of its commitment, the Australian Government introduced the Global Talent Visa Program, also known as the Global Talent Independent Program.

What is the Global Talent Independent Program?
In November 2019, the Australian Government launched the Global Talent Independent Program, a streamlined visa pathway for highly skilled professionals to work and live permanently in Australia. The program, recently expanded from its original seven target sectors, aims to attract the best and the brightest talent from across the globe to work in 10 future-focused sectors, namely:

  • Resources
  • Agri-food and AgTech
  • Energy
  • Health Industries
  • Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
  • Circular economy
  • Digitech
  • Infrastructure and tourism
  • Financial services and Fintech
  • Education

The priority sectors outlined above have been chosen to help grow Australia’s innovation and tech economies, providing opportunities for Australians by transferring skills, promoting innovation and creating jobs.

The expansion of the program comes at a crucial time to maximise Australia’s economic growth in the wake of the global pandemic, whilst also attempting to ‘future-proof’ certain industries within Australia.

The program is also open to high-performing recent PhD graduates who completed a PhD in the last three years or will soon submit their thesis in one of the priority sectors.

The Global Talent Independent Program is an excellent initiative of the Australian Government. It is designed to attract the brightest and the best migrants from around the world … the cream of the crop … the best of the best … individuals who are at the top of their field in one of the 10 priority sectors — all of whom are anticipated to make a meaningful contribution to Australia’s economic recovery from this global pandemic.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Global Talent Independent Program, applicants must demonstrate that they are highly skilled in one of the 10 priority sectors, and:

  • provide evidence of their internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement;
  • still be prominent in their field of expertise;
  • outline how they would be an asset to the Australian community;
    prove that they would have no difficulty obtaining employment in Australia or becoming established in Australia in their field of expertise; and
  • have a recognised organisation or individual in Australia as nominator with a national reputation in the same field as the applicant.

Places available

A total of 15,000 places have been made available for the financial year 2020-2021, three times more than the places offered for the previous financial year. This significant increase in the program’s intake demonstrates the Australia Government’s commitment to attract the brightest and the best talent from around the world who are at the top of their field in one of the 10 priority sectors.

Tips for applicants

Applicants need to be mindful that the Global Talent Independent Program is highly competitive, involving a global search for exceptionally accomplished individuals with outstanding talent and international recognition. Therefore, applicants must ensure that they highlight their significant achievements, their accolades and their global standing in their field of expertise to stand out from the best of the best.

In addition, applicants must clearly identify what strengths they will bring to Australia that will contribute to job creation and economic growth; or how their talent will enable them to contribute to innovation now and into the future to help distinguish them from a field of high performing professionals.

Applicants must also be mindful that the person evaluating their information may not have the same technical or industry background as them. Therefore, it is crucial that an applicant’s profile is easily understood by the ordinary person. Otherwise, the risk is that an application will fail to make the grade, particularly when it is considered alongside other distinguished and highly experienced professionals.

How Timpson Immigration Lawyers can help you

For many years now, Timpson Immigration Lawyers have been helping people throughout the world create a great life in Australia.

Some of the more recent clients we have assisted under the Global Talent Independent Program include a Top 100 sports person, a chef from a Michelin-starred restaurant hired by an IT conglomerate, a scientist working in partnership with the resource sector whose works have been published globally, and an investment management executive who oversees approximately $15 billion worth of assets.

Under the guidance and expertise of our Principal Solicitor, an Immigration Law Expert, the team from Timpson Immigration Lawyers will help give you the best chance of achieving success under the program.

If you would like further information on how we can help you or someone you know in relation to the Global Talent Independent Program, please feel free to contact us on +61 7 3166 9100. Alternatively, you may send us an email, [email protected]

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