Easy Step-by-Step Guide and Checklist PLUS Thorough Review & Assessment by our expert partner visa lawyers Peace of mind for your partner visa application with our


Get Peace of Mind

Have the experts at Timpson Immigration thoroughly assess and review your visa application

The Australian Department of Home Affairs are refusing more partner visa applications than ever before, and most fail due to poor quality or lack of consistent evidence…. and once you’ve had a visa refused, it’s an uphill battle.

Don’t risk wasting your visa application fee of over $9,000 or your new life together. 

If you would like to do the application yourself, our Check-It service gives you total peace of mind.


You’ll get peace of mind by having your evidence thoroughly reviewed by an expert partner visa lawyer at Timpson Immigration to make sure it’s up to scratch for submission.

One of our experienced partner visa lawyers will:

Analyse the quality of your evidence

Analyse the quantity of your supporting evidence

Identify any criteria that has not been evidenced, that might put your application at risk.

Provide written advice on our findings, including any potential issues with your evidence and how to go about fixing them.

First Just Purchase Our Check-It Product 
Then We’ll Send You Your
– Evidence Checklist  
To Get Ready For Our Lawyers To Review For You

Don’t want to do the application yourself?

We have another full service option…where we take care of everything

Get peace of mind and don’t risk your future

* 100 % success rate applies to people who meet the eligibility requirements .

Step 1 of 6