What do the recent changes in Australia’s Sponsored Visa State Allocations mean for those waiting on the programs to re-open?

The much-anticipated allocation of state and territory sponsored visa numbers was announced Friday, and it came as a shock to many that the numbers each state and territory were able to invite under the Subclass 491 and Subclass 190 visa programs this financial year were much smaller than anticipated.

Why were the allocations smaller this year?

There are a number of reasons for the smaller allocations this year, but regardless, the announcement that the programs will be far more competitive than in recent years leaves many applicants who were waiting on the programs to re-open questioning what their future in Australia might look like.

Despite the announcement, what other options might be available for applicants in Australia?

Whilst at first the announcement seems disappointing, and for many may leave them feeling as though their journey to remain in Australia might be at an end, it is worth noting that not only does Australia presently have a good number of other options for applicants, but that changes to many of the programs announced by the government in May this year open up further options for many visa holders.

In light of the ever-changing migration landscape at present, and with some programs growing increasingly competitive in terms of capping of numbers, it is more important than ever to have the right guidance and assistance with your application.

What can you do if you need help?

While the recent changes to the state and territory sponsored visa numbers have left many applicants anxious and uncertain, when the right strategy is employed Australia remains a land of numerous opportunities for prospective expats. With the right guidance, you can navigate the evolving landscape of immigration and secure their future in Australia. Reach out to experienced professionals, such as ourselves, to ensure you’re exploring every possible avenue toward securing your visa.

Timpson Immigration Lawyers are experts in finding pathways for clients to remain in Australia, no matter how complex their matter. Feel free to give us a call on (07) 3166 9100 to assess how the changes to state nomination numbers affect you, and discuss the other options you might have in Australia.

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