Sponsoring an Employee? Make sure the job is eligible

Employers can nominate people with certain skills for permanent residency. They can do this to fill vacancies in their business. It’s called ‘sponsoring’ an employee. Before offering to do this, the first step is to check that the occupation is eligible. It stops you from making people disappointed.

By finding out whether the occupation is eligible, you also find out what you need to do. It gives you the ability to think about what it would mean for you to sponsor an employee. It also tells you who to contact, and what happens next.

“TV Mountain” at Eaglehawk Recycle Shop. Image copyright Social Traders Australia.

Meet Joe. Joe needs a new Facilities Manager. During recruitment, he interviewed Harshik. Harshik has all of the skills necessary. But he also has a good personality, and is a good fit for his business. His values match, and he thinks on the same level.

The trouble is, Joe needs someone permanently, and long-term. Harshik is on a temporary visa, and he’s already been working in Australia for two of his allowed four years.

Joe has no idea where to start, so he searches the internet. The reading was hard going, but eventually he comes across the Employer Nomination Scheme. This is known as Visa Subclass 186. Joe also finds out that the position’s permanency makes it eligible. Visa Subclass 186 applies to people whose employer wants to offer them permanency. It also makes Harshik eligible. He is on a Temporary Work Visa and has already worked for two years.

The next step is to find out if the job itself is eligible. There are lists of approved occupations. If the job is not listed, or is not skilled enough, then Harshik would not be eligible for Australia’s skilled migration scheme.

From the lists, Joe sees that Facilities Manager is among them! Joe writes down the ANZSCO Code (149913). He also writes down who the assessing authority is. (For example, it might be VetAssess.)

Joe understands that Harshik will need to do skills testing get approved, among other things. But on the strength of Harshik’s skills and abilities, Joe feels that his prospective employee would have no trouble at all. Happy with this outcome, Joe contacts Harshik and offers him the role, and tells him that he would sponsor him for permanent residency if he wanted to stay in Australia.

If you want to sponsor someone for permanent residency, we can make your life easier than Joe’s – and can give you all the answers.  Call us now for guidance » 

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